We are thrilled to be hosting toddler ballet at The Old Vicarage every Tuesday morning in collaboration with Katy Baker School of Dance.
There will be a class held for 2 - 3 year olds from 10.00am - 10.30am
and a class for 3 - 4 year olds from 11.00am - 11.30am.
Please note
- Please arrive promptly and not too early to class
- Ballet shoes are recommended, but if you do not have any, your little one can dance with bare feet
- We recommend only two adult per child to attend class, this is to help alleviate any shyness with other children. Please can we also ask that you do not bring other children to the class unless prior arranged with Katy.
- Although uniform isn't compulsory, we love to see our toddlers wearing their favourite ballet outfit. However, please do not feel pressured into bringing your child in uniform. As long as your child is in comfortable clothing!
There is six - seven sessions dependant on term times, which you can book in a package for £42.00 please book below. If you have any ballet related questions, please contact Katy on 07535639986.
Book Your Spot
GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulations and replaces the previous data protection directives that were in place. This came into effect on 25th May 2018.
GDPR states that personal data should be ‘processed fairly and lawfully’ and ‘collected for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes’ and that individuals data is not processed without their knowledge and are only processed with their ‘explicit’ consent. GDPR covers personal data relating to individuals. Katy Baker School of Dance is committed to protecting the rights and freedoms of individuals with respect to the processing of children’s, parents, staff and visitor’s personal data.
The Data Protection Act gives individuals the right to know what information is held about them. It provides a framework to ensure that personal information is handled properly.
GDPR includes 7 rights for individuals.
1. The right to be informed
Katy Baker School of Dance is a registered dance school with IDTA and as so, is required to collect and manage certain data. We need to know parents’ names and telephone numbers. We need to know children’s full names, addresses, age, date of birth, and any medical or SEN requirements. We are requested to provide this data to Lincolnshire County Council via secure electronic file transfer for performances that your child takes part in.
2. The Right to Access
At any point an individual can make a request relating to their data and Katy Baker School of Dance will need to provide a response (within 1 month). Katy Baker School of Dance can refuse a request, if we have a lawful obligation to retain data, but we will inform the individual of the reasons for the rejection. The individual will have the right to complain to the ICO if they are not happy with the decision.
3. The Right to Erasure
You have the right to request the deletion of your data where there is no compelling reason for its continued use. However, Katy Baker School of Dance has a legal duty to keep children’s and parents details for a reasonable time, Katy Baker School of Dance retains these records for 3 years after leaving the school, children’s accident and injury records for 19 years (or until the child reaches 21) for child protection records. This data is archived securely and shredded after the legal retention period.
4. The Right to restrict Processing
Parents, visitors and staff can object to Katy Baker School of Dance processing their data. This means that records can be stored but must not be used in any way, for example report forms or communications.
5. The Right to data Portability
Katy Baker School of Dance requires data to be transferred from one IT system to another, such as from Katy Baker School of Dance to the Local Authority, for performance BOPA Licenses, and dance association for examinations. These recipients use secure file transfer systems and have their own policies and procedures in place in relation to GDPR.
6. The Right to Object
Parents, visitors and staff can object to their data being used for certain activities like marketing or research.
7. The Right not to be subject to automated decision making including profiling
Automated decisions and profiling are used for marketing-based organisations. Katy Baker School of Dance does not use personal data for such purposes.
Storage and Use of Information
All paper copies of children’s and parent’s records are kept in a locked filing cabinet in principal Katy Baker’s house. Only Katy Baker has access to these files so that all information relating to the child is confidential and apart from archiving, these records are kept in these files at all times. These files are taken to the venue for our annual dance show and kept in a safe and secure place and removed from the premises when the show has ended and returned to a locked filing cabinet. These records are shredded after the retention period.
Information about individual children is used in certain documents such as weekly registers and medication or allergy forms. These documents include data such as children’s names, contact telephone numbers and medical and allergy information. These records are shredded after the relevant retention period.
Katy Baker School of Dance keeps electronic data of children’s names, ages, date of birth, address and medical information on a personal computer which is password protected. Parents names and telephone numbers are also stored electronically. All data is removed after the retention period. Parents contact details with the child’s name are also stored in a personal mobile phone which is password protected. This is for emergency contact and personal communication. All data is removed after the retention period.
GDPR means that Katy Baker School of Dance must;
Manage and process personal data properly
Protect the individuals’ rights to privacy
Provide an individual with access to all personal information being held on them.
This policy was adapted by Katy Baker of Katy Baker School of Dance in February 2023 and signed on behalf of Katy Baker School of Dance